Družinsko poletje na morju…
Naslikal sem še eno sliko z naslovom “Družinsko poletje na morju” 60x45cm, akril na platno, 24.8.2013 I painted another painting titled “Happy […]
Naslikal sem še eno sliko z naslovom “Družinsko poletje na morju” 60x45cm, akril na platno, 24.8.2013 I painted another painting titled “Happy […]
Lately I’ve been in a writing mode. I wrote in the past as well, but I had always, kept it for myself. […]
Someone I know just deleted her Facebook account. I support that because I abstained from internet for a month this […]
Yesterday and on the saturday in the evening, in Ljubljana, in Antonov Dom on Tržaška 85, a group from Performing Arts Camp once […]