PAC 2014 Final Concert

PAC 2014 Final Concert 10

Yesterday I attended yet another great Final Concert of Performing Arts Camp. I have to say, that they keep making it better and better every year.

This time the entire experience for me as a photographer was a tad different and better as well because I had an assistant Julijana Ovsenik, who helped me upstairs in the center, to where I really didn’t have access during the show as I was moving a lot.

You can enjoy the Photos on Facebook:


Včeraj sem bil priča še enemu izjemnemu zaključnemu koncertu Performing Arts Campa. Moram reči, da se vsako leto bolj potrudijo.
Tokrat je bil zame večer tudi malce drugačen zato, ker sem imel asistentko Julijano Ovsenik, ki se je izvrstno odrezala, saj je zasedala lokacijo, do katere nisem mogel priti med predstavo.

Tu prilagam le nekaj fotografij za vtis, ostale pa si lahko pogledate (jih tudi lajkate in delite naprej) na Facebooku.