Angel praying on the grass in the night

Angel praying on the grass in the night

Ever since I have been studying Art in the Artschool, I have been creating more color or pencil based works as I have in the past. In the future I will post more, however this time I wanted to use the opportunity to say that a day after completion I sold one of my works. And here it is: Angel praying on the grass in the night.

If you like the painting, I am accepting orders for similar works (I say similar because every singe painting is a unique).
(30×24 cm, acrylic on wood, 20€)


Odkar študiram na visoki šoli za risanje in slikanje, več ustvarjam tudi z barvami in svinčnikom. Sicer bom v prihodnje dodajal tudi kake risbe in slike ki jih naredim, želel sem pa uporabiti priliko, da povem, da sem eno dan po tem ko sem jo končal, tudi prodal. Angela, ki moli na travi ponoči.

Če je komu slika všeč, sprejemam naročila za podobno delo (ker vsaka slika je malce drugačna)
(30×24 cm, akril na leseno ploščo, 20€)


Artwork by Matic Jelovčan