Latest drawings

Latest drawings 6

Lately I’ve had lots of things to do for projects that don’t show much tangible results, so I wanted to do some things, that are tangible and I can see. So for couple days, not necessarily in succession, I sat down behind my computer and just drew. In fact I drew so much, that my poor stylus broke. Anyhow… here is some of my latest work.

V zadnjem času sem imel nekaj projektov, ki se ne ponašajo toliko z otipljivimi rezultati, tako da sem se nekajkrat samo usedel za svoj računalnik in risal. Risal sem kot zmešan, saj se mi je celo stylus pokvaril, tako da bom moral kupiti novega. No, ampak kljub temu, mi je fino, ko lahko rišem in si ne rabim mazati prstov. Digitalna risba je fina reč.