Today I just had enough. I was over-burned because of all the other work I have to do, so I decided: I’ll get into the car, drive a bit and hopefully come to Zbilje “lake” before the sunset. I’m not used to the golden hour photography anyways and I thought this would be a great way to try something new. And you know what, I like it. I think I ought to do more landscape photography in the future. Perhaps I just shouldn’t step the lens down as much, because it seems quite dirty from the inside. Anyways… as I was heading back home (via the shorter but different route) I just couldn’t resist the calmness of the surroundings as seen from the bridge that crosses Sava river. Interestingly enough the fence of the bridge was full of quite large spiders. It was intriguing observing them as they were sill or feeding on the captured flies.