Svetopisemski glasnik, Christmas 2015

Svetopisemski glasnik, Christmas 2015

Today the Bible Society of Slovenia released and sent our bi-annual newsletter, That I designed from the ground up. Previously we just modified the older InDesign templates because the lack of time, since often the contents are made last-minute. Although the same was true this time (time-wise), I took the extra time to make something refreshing, that builds up on the last designs, and thus isn’t totally different, which is a must here with conservative readers, but still fresh and in line with other recent smaller design decisions that we had employed in the last two years.

Here is the link to the original post on the website of the Bible Society of Slovenia. Should you wish to subscribe to the newsletter, you can read about it and apply for membership here, or just contact the Bible Society of Slovenia here, if you can’t read Slovene.

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