One more roll developed…

One more roll developed... 13

One more roll of 35mm film developed… the most interesting thing this time is that because I fixed it poorly, the film stayed non-transparent and thus I could scan it with a normal flatbed scanner, contrary to what I could do had it been done as it should have. Also that happened on the film, that I had bought quite some time ago and was intended for processing with either black and white developing process or with a color C41 process, thus it had a orange-ish tint to it, which would consequently mean that it would be difficult for me to enlarge it onto a paper anyways.
In a way this was a good luck in a bad luck. Furthermore I think that most of the photos turned out quite well.

Razvil sem še eno rolco filma… zanimivo pri tem je predvsem to, da se mi je zaradi slabega fiksiranja film posrečilo spraviti v tako stanje, da sem ga celo lažje skeniral na navadnem skenerju, kot pa če bi se normalno razvil. Seveda pa je tu še dejstvo da je to na filmu, ki sem ga nekaj časa nazaj kupil in nisem sploh opazil, da je to en takih, ki je namenjen razvijanju tudi s C41 procesom (ali pa kakor sem sam storil, z običajnim črno-belim razvijanjem) in ima oranžno tinto, zaradi česar bi ga tako ali tako težko sam doma tudi povečal. Tako da na koncu dneva je bila to sreča v nesreči. Mislim tudi, da je velika večina fotografij kar uspela.