Quotes that make a difference

Graphic Design by Matic Jelovčan

Since one of my jobs is making Quotes for several different entities, including one that I administer, I have created a site whereon I will try to collect quotes that were created in order for anyone to be able to find and use them as a resource for whatever they might wish.

If you do use the Quotes, please do not change the graphics. If you find mistakes, please inform us here at MJD and we’ll fix them. If you like what we are doing, please consider donating via PayPal or by buying a product on our page.

— Matic Jelovčan


If you want to donate for us to make this and or other projects better, faster and more frequently, please support us by donations here:

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Here is just a sample of our Quotes (most are created for Slovene-speaking people):


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